Here are some phrases to help you flirt with khmers a little bit with the opposite sex. So let’s get going with Khmer Flirting. Tlor! Ta (Common, Lets start)
Khmer, English
sa-art, beautiful
srey-sa-art, beautiful girl
chguat, crazy
sabaii, happy
kooik-jet, heart broken
bpi-baak-jet, sad
riab-gaa, to marry
gaa, married
liiw, single
Dorch kernch nov na, I think I saw you somewhere
Peak ko ail sa-art nas dol huy, you are wearing a very beautiful dress
Pel chop tvwer gar huy dtov nhum ei grao chia moiu bong te?, after your work is done – do you like to go outside and eat something with me?
Soam nek dtour-ro-subp ban te? , Can I have your number?
Mien song sa nov?, do you have a boyfriend yet?
Kynum jong skorl nek, I want to get to know you
Moak neng dorch skorl, your face looks similiar to someone.
When you are done practicing go to Cambodian Flirting Worksheet to try your luck!
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