Study Khmer Syllabus
A. Intro to Study Khmer
This study Khmer syllabus is provided as a general informational guide to help you understand how a study Khmer program would progress. All lessons can be custom tailored to your wants and needs. This syllabus also is assuming you are a complete beginner to studying Khmer.
Lesson 1
- Greetings
- Basic questions
- Numbers 1-100
- First ten vocabulary words
Lesson 2
- Numbers 101-1000
- Vocabulary about things in your house
- Verb to have
- Grammar point on the word ‘at’
Lesson 3
- Vocabulary places
- Vocabulary sports
- Ten verbs
- Verb Combinations
Lesson 4
- Word ‘to know’
- colors
- adjectives
- tlai = how much?
Lesson 5
- Tenses
- Telling time
Lesson 6
- Days of the week
- Months
- Couple of new verbs
- Grammar about ‘time’
Lesson 7
- dael & tloab
- Telephone conversations
- food
Lesson 8
- General life words
- Body parts
- Dtrauw vs dtrauw-gaa
Lesson 9
- Adjectives
- Classifiers
- Compare words
Lesson 10
- Family
- Animals
- Different ways of expressing you in Cambodian
- Ocupations
Lesson 11 (if want to learn to read and write, also can be taught concurrent starting with lesson 1 if a student chooses)
- First 10 consonants
- First 7 vowels
- Numbers 0-5
Lesson 12
- 11-20 consonants
- 8-14 vowels
- numbers 6-9
- how to write numbers bigger then 9
- IE) 14 = 1 symbol + 4 symbol
****UNDER CONSTRUCTION (Page for study Khmer syllabus will be updated in next couple of days…4.3.2014 Thanks for understanding!)****Updated once, but still needs a lot of work…soon I will add links to everythign that has information attached to it. i hope this helps you study Khmer a little!
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