Tag Archives | grammar

Khmer teacher vanna in Phnom Penh, cambodia

The Khmer You

Intro to Khmer You In the Cambodian language there are different ways to say the word, you. The nondescript generic version is nek, but many other Khmer you words can used more accurately and more precisely. Khmer You Vocab Words [table] khmer you word, english translation, definition Nek, generic you, generally only used when speaking […]

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c grammar lesson

Khmer classifiers

Khmer Classifiers Brief introduction to Cambodian Classifiers Specific words that are used to identify nouns are called classifiers. The Khmer language commonly uses classifiers for some words, but sometimes they are not used at the speakers discretionary. Confusing I know! English does have it’s set of classifiers like glasses of beer, pairs of shoes, and […]

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